Tribe Send School Leavers Off in Style
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Thursday 17th July 2014

Tribe team delivered almost a thousand School Leavers’ Packs to Tribe members in Year 13 on Sunday. The Tribe staff were aided by community Rabbis, Youth Rabbis and Youth Directors. 

The packs are a way for Tribe to let their members know about all the various services that they provide post school. Whether students are moving onto higher education, taking a Gap Year or starting their careers, Tribe has events and Ambassadors all over the country to help them make that transition and stay connected. 

Those who are heading to university will have plenty of Tribe campus events to look forward to, such as football tournaments and lunch and learns. They can also contact their local Tribe Ambassador found at: Birmingham; Cambridge; Leeds; London; Manchester and Nottingham universities. For those embarking on their career, there are many exciting Young US events in London which are open to everyone.

From Left: Jacob Emanuel, Lindsey Briggs, Liora Fox and Amelia Leigh help prepare the packs

Gap Year students spending the year in Israel will have plenty of opportunities to interact with Tribe, at fantastic shabbatons and events throughout the year as well as the chance to participate on TILT – Tribe’s Israel Leadership Training programme. The Tribe Israel team are there to support our members away from home.

Elliot Millet who received a pack said; “It was such a nice gesture from Tribe, it shows that they care. The content is also very apt and useful.”

As they set off to deliver the packs, Tribe Fieldworker Lindsey Briggs, said: “Tribe is here to support our members in the next stage of their lives and to help them stay connected to the US family.”